Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Winter Tropics

Hat- Topshop
Jumper- H&M
Necklace- Dorothy Perkins
Skirt- Dagmar
Bag- Sophie Hulme


Unknown said...

awesome outfit love it! Love that skirt its gorgeous! Your bag is beautiful aswell :) Ah i look forward to your blog every time i see youve posted!

Hayley xx

Oroma Roxella Rukevwe said...


A Blog by Oroma Roxella Rukevwe.

Sasha said...

That skirt is amazing, Love that the fabric just looks like a modern painting just so bright and bold beautiful

Unknown said...

Coveting that bag a ridiculous amount...

Unknown said...

nice bag! :))


Unknown said...

the colours in this outfit compliment each other well, I wouldn't be able to pull this look off but your sense of style is unique you look amazing x

Unknown said...
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