Monday, 31 October 2011

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Nordic Bakery

This is one of my other favourite haunts in London, not only because I am a quarter Finnish and hence feel like its a little piece of home but because it does THE most amazing cinnamon buns! Seriously you cannot compare these rather large, crispy on the outside, gooey in the middle buns to anything you have had before and at only £2.20 a pop they are amazing value considering that they come fresh out of the oven every 30minutes! The interior shows off classic Scandinvian design, dark blue walls, wood heavy with the waitresses wearing denim aprons. It's one of those places perfect for sitting down, reading a book and hiding from the cold and rain that seem to have taken over London these days.
The cinnamon bun.
  Nordic Bakery
14A Golden Square
London W1F 9JG
020 3230 1077

Monday, 24 October 2011

Thursday, 20 October 2011

I Heart Spuntino

I know I usually only share my outfits  but as I love my current home town of London as much as my wardrobe I thought I'd try sharing some of my favourite places to eat, shop and hang out! To start I want to introduce you guys to my favourite place to eat out in London, a totally unique place with an amazing atmosphere!
Spuntino on Rupert street isn't your average restaurant for starters it's location between sex shops and slightly dodgy acupuncture and massage parlours in London's Soho doesn't make it sound too promising and because of lacking a proper sign ( it's name only written in chalk very inconspicuously on a brass board outside) you need to know where it is and what it is to know how good it is! Inside it's in the style of a 1920's speakeasy, there are 20 odd stools around a brass bar, lighting is dark and Johnny Cash is blurring out of the speakers. The staff are young, mostly tattooed and make you feel instantly at home and, as I have been a bit of a regular, even know my name every time I return.

 The food is italo-American with a twist, transforming simple dishes like cheese on toast into truffled egg toast which is seriously to die for! Cocktails are prepared right in front of you and desserts like the amazing peanut-butter and jelly sandwich which in actual fact is peanut butter ice cream shaped like toast with berry compote in the middle and crunchy cornflakes on top make it place that's deliciously different, inventive and affordable,  serving food that it is worth coming back for! It's a place you can hang out and chat at for hours, it's concept, food and staff so well chosen that you feel like in a completely different world and can forgot about the hustle and bustle of London for a few hours while you are seated at the bar. I have taken most of my friends by now and though some are a bit sceptical at the beginning, every single one left completely won over by the whole atmosphere of the place.

 free chilli popcorn to start with

truffled egg toast (what's left of it), curly string fries, mac n cheese

The infamous peanut butter and jelly sandwich

Spuntino doesn't do reservations and doesn't even have a phone line so if you ever go you will most likely have to queue but trust me it will be worth it!

Monday, 17 October 2011

Silk dreams

Dress: 100% silk Topshop Boutique

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Paying a visit to Oxygen boutique

The other week I went to the Oxygen boutique to have a look at the brands they 
stock and created some nice outfits using pieces from the shop! I really loved 
the Equipment shirt and am desperate to get some Jeffrey Campbell boots for this 
winter after trying on this incredibly comfortable pair! 

Monday, 10 October 2011

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Madame Peripetie shoot

You might have noticed my header which was photographed during a shoot with the amazingly talented Madame Peripetie! Here are some more shots which I can finally post now!

PS: Check out my new press section on the right hand side! 

Monday, 3 October 2011

Bubblegum bangs

This week I made the brave step of finally having a colour rinse done on my dip dyed ends after Grace my hairdresser at Bleach did some very good convincing! It only lasts a few washes and I think works brilliantly with this ensemble where I have restyled my blue feather skirt with key pieces for this upcoming season like the coloured fur hat and chunky knit jumper. It definetely won't be the last time I will try a colour so watch this space!