Monday, 29 April 2013

Painted Red

Headband- Her Curious Nature
Shirt- Cos 
Skirt- Felder Felder
Boots- Miss Selfridge

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Colour Colour Colour

Since having my hair bleached white I have been trying my way through all the DIY colours out there and feel it was about time to share some of the tips, tricks and dramas ( yes there have been plenty) so that you can try it at home too!

1. The colours are not harmful to your hair and wash out after a few washes, its more the bleaching that potentially damages the hair if you don't look after it properly

2. When it comes to choosing a colour be aware that colours based on blue tones (say purple or turquoise) take a lot longer to wash out and which may leave a rather undesired green tint . Because I still like to do it and get bored of colours pretty quickly the best way to get the colour out quick rather than just washing it a lot is to dye a red based colour like pastel pink over it which will wash out into pristine white  and get rid of any unwanted green!

2. You can order colours online or get them in any specialist hairdressing shop. I either go to Sally or walk around Camden market where you are bound to find them somewhere! 

3. There are two main brands, Crazy Colour and Directions:
I used the Crazy Colour for my lilac hair and the first time I tried pink. Application is easy, just wash hair as normal then put in colour evenly and leave in 30 mins till rinsing it out. Personally I thought the coverage wasn't very even so that I ended up with some bits of my fringe being a different colour. The colours also tended to be weak on first application so I had to apply it several times, especially the marshmallow pink not coming it very well so that I went out the next day and bought directions colour instead.
Directions colour comes in a small pot and is applied using a brush, way easier to use than the Crazy Colour squeezy bottle especially if you do it yourself. You can dilute the colour using any conditioner to mix the exact shade you desire, I for example diluted the very dark turquoise into a pastel shade, and like crazy colours is simply put it in after washing and towel drying your hair. 15 minutes later wash out and from my experience you are left with a lovely even colouring that only needs one application! Directions is definetely the easiest brand I have used and the colour you see is pretty close to the colour you will have on your hair so means less potential hair nightmares!

4. When it comes to getting the colour  out the best way of doing so is using Anti- Dandruff shampoo which is especially good at lifting out any colour. If you end up having a bit of a yellow tint left over use one of my secret weapons purple shampoo which gets rid of any yellow pigment. It's essentially a shampoo for people going white that want to get rid of any annoying patches of grey and is available at any boots, a great way to get the hair back to bright white!

5. Lastly to make sure that my hair doesn't get too damaged I do take some extra care. A great trick that my lovely hairdresser Grace at Bleach London gave me was sleeping with conditioner in a couple of times a week, the best and probably cheapest deep hair mask you are going to find! Wet hair, massage in the conditioner and put a towel on your pillows, wash out and shampoo as normal the next morning and you will be left with shiny, silky and healthy hair! 

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Pastel Tie Dye

Hat- Topshop
Dress- ASOS
Necklace- ASOS
Jacket- Topshop

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Red Stripes

Top- Chinti & Parker
Coat- Cos
Shoes- Zara
Hair Colour- Directions Turquoise (Diluted) 

Monday, 15 April 2013

Nude Tones

Shirt- 5 Preview
Necklace- Topshop
Skirt- Just Female

Saturday, 13 April 2013


Bistrotheque definitely doesn't hold much promise from the outside and was quite the challenge to find. To get there you have to walk down a rather non described residential street just off Mare street in the middle of Hackney and then make sure to not to actually walk past it, Bistrotheque with no sign just a simple white frontage.Once however you have managed to find it and walk down the steps to the main restaurant space, passing on the way a rather captivating pink neon light, it  was one of the most unexpected, beautifully designed restaurant spaces I have eaten at with great food to match. Kept in white, the light flooded room has a minimalist yet welcoming feel, little touches like the piano, fresh flowers and low hanging lights showing an incredible attention to detail that made me want to linger around for hours, watch the array of diners and absorb the great atmosphere. The menu is an eclectic mix of French and British classics like steak tartare or the wonderful fish and chips I tried on this occasion ( incidentally my first fish & chips after nearly 9 years of living in England). They also have a great 3 course deal if you dine before 7:30 (£17) which I will definitely return for soon and despite Bistrotheque not being cheap it proved to be one of the most refreshing dinners I have had in a while. A great place to go for a special occasion or to impress a friend, Bistrotheque was worth the getting a little lost for. 

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Grey & White

Jumper - Topshop
Skirt- Topshop
Shoes- Zara
Clutch- Monki

Monday, 8 April 2013

Bronze Age

Hat- Topshop
Earrings- ASOS
T-shirt- Urban Outfitters
Trousers- & Other Stories
Shoes- Mango 

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Khaki Contrasts

Hat- Topshop
Shirt- ASOS
Skirt- Topshop
Clutch- Hibou Ra Ma

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Ben & Jerry's Peanut Butter Me Up

I am not usually a fan of over top, containing everything but the kitchen sink, kinda ice cream that Ben & Jerry's is usual known for (and no I don't like their chocolate with chocolate and more chocolate variations if you are asking), usually preferring the proper Italian Gelato kind. However this new variation now available in England converted me. Why? Well for one its focus is on peanut butter and as a massive fan of anything peanut flavoured I already had high hopes. It also contains miniature Reese's peanut cups which anyone who as ever tried them knows are of a rather addictive quality ( I think because of the perfect balance of salty and sweet). And that is exactly what this ice cream is. Absolutely addictive, in fact I challenge anyone to stop after a few spoonfuls. Half peanut butter ice cream, half vanilla ice cream speckled with minature peanut butter cups and with a tart raspberry coulis type core, this is absolute heaven in pint format! Go out and buy some and pray with me that it is not just a limited edition addition the Ben & Jerry family but here to stay!

Monday, 1 April 2013

Candy Floss

Hat- Topshop
Top- Zara
Lipstick- & Other Stories
Skirt- Topshop
Shoes- Zara