Tuesday, 30 October 2012


Two weeks ago tomorrow after my 9 am lecture I got a phone call from my mum telling me that my dad had died of a heart attack. I don't tend to write about my personal life on the blog yet on this occasion I shall make an exception. Anyone that knows me knows that I am quite the fighter and undying optimist which has meant that in the days that followed I tried everything to continue my daily life, following my fashion and university obligations and offering  my mum the support and  fighting spirit she needed to deal with the immediate aftermath. I don't like to open up about my feelings or show weakness and have only told a handful of people close to me, one reason in particular for this being my dislike of the resulting  well intentioned yet often awkward sympathy I would be at the receiving end of.  This blog post is hence more for me than you the reader, a way to pen my feelings that  I may not be able to share in conversation but that still need to be aired in order to process and eventually, as is human nature, move on. 

Me and my dad had a far from easy relationship, for one he thought I was wasting my time with fashion and failed to understand why I would choose it as career, something that especially since I moved to London for university two years ago meant we didn't talk a lot and caused me to develop a lot of resentment towards him. He was a very complex human being and far from the perfect father figure or family man which has made loosing him the more complex, the many unresolved issues I hold against him irrevocably linked with the loss of the dad that I spent few yet unforgettable childhood days with and who engrained my love for electronic music and Quentin Tarantino films in me. Despite our issues I have always sought his approval, whether achieving  straight A's or getting into UCL, something that I will continue to do, a drive to succeed that I have to thank him for. 

And that's what it comes down to I think, of course he wasn't perfect and a rose tinted view of him is impossible but its the finality of this loss and the fact that I no longer can prove him wrong about my love for fashion that despite all his faults will make me miss him dearly. 

Monday, 29 October 2012

Green & Blue

Hat- Topshop
Shirt- Dorothy Perkins
Earrings- H&M
Skirt- Topshop
Shoes- Bertie 

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Miss Selfridge Project 3

I had the great opportunity to style and model Miss Selfridge's new Project 3 collection which is designed by their assistant buyer team, alongside two other great bloggers, Jazmine and Amy. I hope you enjoy the final pictures, it's always a pleasure to work with my favourite photographer Phill Taylor who has shot me on numerous occasion and makes any shoot fun and relaxed! 
Check out the whole collection here 

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Pink Lace

Dress- Richard Nicholl for Topshop

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Black and White (and a bit Gorillas)

Shirt- Topshop
T-shirt- The Kooples
Skirt- 5Preview
Shoes- Carvela

Thursday, 18 October 2012


Goats cheese and Lentil salad
Having grown up in Germany until the age of 12 I've always been rather critical of English food (even to this day i struggle to understand the concept of a pie filled with meat) so I have always been hunting for a place in London that offers me a little taste of home. Kipferl, though Austrian in its heritage , offered me exactly the kind of comfort food I have been yearning for. The problem of course I have with other German  places  in London is the tacky and stereotypical way they tend to present themselves, I'm not for example going to be rushing to the Bavarian beer house any time soon, but Kipferl has managed to keep its Austrian essence in a modern and understated way, cosy and with little touches like black and white portraits of well known Austrian statesmen yet not over the top. The menu is refreshingly varied, meaty favourites like Schnitzel and Goulash alongside delicious vegetarian options like the Käsespaetzle we opted for ( egg noodles topped with mountain cheese) , always served in an elegant way and with salads to cut through the richness of the dishes. Sadly this time I was too full to sample the amazing looking cakes like Sachertorte, apple strudel and desserts like the infamous Kaiserschmarrn that were on offer but as winter approaches this little gem in the middle of Angel's Camden passage's is sure to be a regular dinner spot of mine on cold evenings! 
The amazing Kasespaetzle

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Buy my Mary Katrantzou for Topshop Dress!

I am selling my lovely Size S Mary Katrantzou for Topshop dress as I have to make space in my wardrobe for new outfits! Drop me an email (stellalexandra@aol.com) if you are interested, I would love for it to find a new home!

Monday, 15 October 2012

Red Brocade

Dress- Topshop
Bag- Dorothy Perkins
Hat- Topshop
Shoes- Miss Selfridge
Earrings- Topshop

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Friday, 12 October 2012

Come and watch me talk fashion with Grazia!

When: 22/10/2012
Where: Apple Store Regent Street!
Hope to see you guys!
Details here

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

50 Shades of Pink

Last Friday the lovely Grace at Bleach, the only person I trust with my hair, gave me not only a trim but a colour rinse that has seen me go through several shades of pink this week. I could never quite make myself commit to permanent colour so doing something like this was really fun and allowed me to use my hair as real accessories for the week and has made me want to try more colours in the future for sure!

Monday, 8 October 2012

Scenic views

Skirt- Asos
Shirt- Asos
Belt- Topshop
Earrings- Asos
Shoes- Dorothy Perkins
Temporary Pink Hair- Bleach!

Sunday, 7 October 2012