Thursday, 27 October 2011

Nordic Bakery

This is one of my other favourite haunts in London, not only because I am a quarter Finnish and hence feel like its a little piece of home but because it does THE most amazing cinnamon buns! Seriously you cannot compare these rather large, crispy on the outside, gooey in the middle buns to anything you have had before and at only £2.20 a pop they are amazing value considering that they come fresh out of the oven every 30minutes! The interior shows off classic Scandinvian design, dark blue walls, wood heavy with the waitresses wearing denim aprons. It's one of those places perfect for sitting down, reading a book and hiding from the cold and rain that seem to have taken over London these days.
The cinnamon bun.
  Nordic Bakery
14A Golden Square
London W1F 9JG
020 3230 1077