Thursday 27 June 2013

A Few Of My Favourite Things

A couple of weeks ago one of my favurite photographers, Jonathan Daniel Pryce,  visited me in my Chalk Farm flat to shoot some amazing Bill Skinner jewellery pieces for the brand's blog. As you can probably tell from my outfits I am a big sucker for jewellery ( especially statement necklaces and clip on earrings) and it was great to make my collection of clothes and accessories the real star of the shoot for once! 


ALikeAnita said...

you've got so many jewelry i want it i want it

Unknown said...

Loooove the Sophie Hulme tote! And the rest of course!

Wynne Prasetyo said...

oh gosh those accessories <3 <3


onmynailstoday said...

Wow, you have such a cool collection of jewellery (not to mention the clothes, shoes and hats!)

Lisa Le Calvez said...

Wahou!Can post a more others photos of your bedroom or your dressing please? Your photos is very inspirations !

Anonymous said...

I love the first few photos, the combination is phenomenal.
luxury amber jewellery