Thursday, 8 December 2011

Sunday afternoon wanderings east

Last Sunday I ventured into a part of London that I usually avoid. Shoreditch and Brick Lane have become synonymous with hipsters, warehouse parties and vintage shops and I to be honest have never fully understood the hype behind it all, everyone tries to emulate a particular look and lifestyle, attempting to be unique yet ultimately wearing an almost uniform. However on this visit there I was pleasantly surprised to find a  little street tucked away from Brick lane that isn't clocked up with tourists, brothel creepers and girls with top knots. Redchurch street has quirky little shops, street art  and really nice places to have a good cup of coffee. Me and my friend ended up at Allpress espresso, a kinda coffee shop with a slight 80's vibe (for some reason it reminds a bit of my current film obsession Drive) that not only serves a very good flatwhite,the coffee roast machine in the back showing that these guys really know their stuff, but also what possibly can be described as the most amazing looking scones ever though after having had a big brunch we were way too full to sample one! Allpress espresso and the street as a whole has a laid back and creative vibe that made me glad that I gave this part of town another shot and will definitely see me return in the future even if just to try one of those scones!
Amazing looking scones