Wednesday, 27 July 2022


You can't really go wrong when it comes to combining fresh crab with pasta and this super simple dish delivers on all fronts! A perfect weekday summer supper that is sure to impress!



  • 400g linguine
  • 4 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 red chilli, deseeded and chopped
  • 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
  • 1 whole cooked crab, picked, or about 100g/4oz brown crabmeat and 200g/7oz fresh white crabmeat
  • Small splash, about 5 tbsp, white wine
  • Small squeeze of lemon (optional)
  • Large handful flat-leaf parsley leaves, very finely chopped
  • Bring a large pan of salted water to the boil and add the linguine. 
  • Give it a good stir and boil for 1 min less than the pack says. Stir well occasionally so it doesn’t stick.
  • While the pasta cooks, gently heat 3 tbsp of olive oil with the chilli and garlic in a pan large enough to hold all the pasta comfortably. 
  • Cook the chilli and garlic very gently until they start to sizzle, then turn up the heat and add the white wine. 
  • Simmer everything until the wine and olive oil come together. 
  • Then take off the heat and add the brown crabmeat, using a wooden spatula or spoon to mash it into the olive oil to make a thick sauce.
  • When the pasta has had its cooking time, taste a strand – it should have a very slight bite. 
  • When it’s ready, turn off the heat. 
  • Place the sauce on a very low heat and use a pair of kitchen tongs to lift the pasta from the water into the sauce.
  • Off the heat, add the white crabmeat and parsley to the pasta with a sprinkling of sea salt.
  • Stir everything together really well, adding a drop of pasta water if it’s starting to get claggy. 
  • Taste for seasoning and, if it needs a slight lift, add a small squeeze of lemon. 
  • Serve immediately!

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