Tuesday, 9 November 2021


There are certain culinary firsts you will never forget and my first Sons + Daughters sandwich was one such occasion. 

Why? Because it was quite possible the best sandwich I ever had in my life. I mean to start with it's no ordinary sandwich, I tell you that. It's Unami central, flavour explosion upon flavour explosion, a perfect marriage of textures and so much more - miso and mirin mayo mixed with the most orange yolked and fresh of Clarence court eggs, cooked to waxy perfection, topped with crunchy truffle crisps, all sandwiched between the softest and most generously crusted slices of fresh white bread. 

It's a sandwich so, so good that I can't even do it justice in words which is why ever so often I had such a strong craving for it that I walked all the way to King's Cross, more precise Coal Drop yards where Sons + Daughters is located, from my house to get my hands on one.

Luck would have it however that in the midst of the deepest, darkest lockdown times last year the lovely peeps from Sons + Daughters actually shared the recipe for this genius sandwich and I tell you what it tasted just as bloody amazing!!! 

Even better, you can actually rustle the whole thing up in less than 20 minutes and I honestly had to stop myself from making a second, it was that good.

One note: invest in good ingredients, they truly elevate this sandwich to the next level. Get the Clarence Court Burford Brown eggs (yes they cost a little more but BOY can you taste and see the difference), make sure you seek out Torres truffle crisps (Waitrose and other supermarkets may offer their take on truffle crisps these days but NOTHING beats Torres, trust me) and get yourself a fresh loaf of bread that you can slice indulgently thick.

It's a sandwich that will make any day 1000% better and you better make it asap at home if you can't make it down to Sons + Daughters because you won't forget your first bite, the hype is real for a reason here and thank god for us easy to re-create at home.

Makes 1 INCREDIBLE sandwich

  • 3 medium Clarence Court Burford Brown eggs (available at Waitrose)
  • Two slices of white bloomer bread, each around half an inch thick.
  • 10g salad cress
  • 25g truffle crisps (ideally Torres)

  • 35g mayonnaise
  • 8g white miso paste
  • 8ml mirin

  • Firstly, make the mayo. 
  • Simply mix all the ingredients thoroughly in a bowl.
  • Next, boil the eggs for 6 minutes and leave at room temperature until cool. 
  • Peel and chop them, but not too fine – you want a bit of texture.
  • Keep back around two tablespoons of the miso mayo, and gently fold the rest through the eggs.
  • Spread the reserved miso mayo on each slice of bloomer.
  • Spoon the miso mayo and egg mixture over one of the slices, and top with the cress. 
  • Add a thick layer of truffle crisps, then top with the remaining slice of bloomer and give it a squash.
  • ENJOY!

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