Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Modern Pantry

On my ongoing hunt for the best brunch in London last weekend I was pleasantly suprised by a visit to the Modern Pantry. Rather ironically located almost exactly opposite my usual brunch venue of choice Workshop Coffee and inside a beautifully converted Victorian townhouse,  Kiwi chef Anna Hansen has been cooking up experimental fusion dishes with a fine eye for unusual flavour combinations for a few years now. I had been to the Modern Pantry once before and left rather underwhelmed but after some convincing and realising that it has that rarity in London of outside seating, which in this current best wave is far to rare to find,  I was finally ready to give the brunch menu another chance. 

Sitting in the blazing sunshine their iced coffee was an obvious choice and struck that perfect balance of refreshing drink with good quality caffeine kick. Staff was extremely attentive without being overly in your face and helped us navigate the menu which offered more than one dish where even I as regular restaurant diner struggled to identify ingredients  ( tamarillo  anyone?). The menu offers a good mix of sweet and savoury options and with a clear  antipodean vibe showed some parallels to the Workshop menu. Even though all options sounded truly amazing, I shall definitely revisit to try the Sweetcorn, feta,green chilli & curry leaf waffles, my dining companion and I couldn't help but order the pancakes. Indeed the Raspberry pancakes with creme fraiche and berry compote that arrived after 20 minutes , the menu pointing out this wait to ensure the fluffiness of the batter, did not disappoint. Light as a cloud, filled with juicy raspberries and topped with just the right amount of  creme fraiche and tangy compote they were one of the best pancakes I have sampled in my time. Modern Pantry may be a little bit more pricey than other brunch venues ( the pancakes came in at £9) but the attention to detail, flavour and service plus the great outside space make it an ideal place to enjoy a summer brunch and shock horror may see me make the journey across the road more often!


Unknown said...

looks amazing! <3

Hayley xx

Admin said...

Great tips, many thanks for sharing. I have printed and will stick on the wall! I like this blog.
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