Thursday, 20 December 2012

Winter tropics

Hat- Topshop
Jumper- H&M
Necklace- H&M
Dress worn as skirt- Zara 


Bitacora de lua said...

Love the clucth!!!!

Unknown said...

OMG im so in love with this outfit! You've really made me want to invest in more hats! I do love them and suit them i just only own about 2 too be worn with outfits :/

Hayley xx

Lady and Olga said...

I have the same dress :)

Unknown said...

Your hat collection is fantastic :)

Unknown said...

Wow, I really love the necklace, it compliments the orange in the hat so well! Great outfit :D

Lolli Lewis said...

love your blog, so glad tumbled across it

great outfit, i still need to get my hands on a clear clutch

hannahsamantha said...

Is this jumper still available in H&M? I've been looking for something like that for ages!

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